This recent news update provided some background and detail to the works starting in Poole Park. If you would like to have a greater understanding of the impact of the work, the reasons for the designs, tree replacement programme and some snippets of the history of Poole Park then you may be interested in one of the following public walks and talks:

Thurs 27th Feb, 5.30-7pm. Poole Park Tree Talk
Drop in anytime from 5.30pm to talk to the project team, review the plans for tree removals, how wew will construct new tree pits and the trees to be planted. There will be a presentation at 6pm for 30 mins. Taking place in the Committee suite, Civic centre, access via the member’s entrance opposite the shops/park entrance and follow the signs.
Sat 7th March 10-11.30. Access theme guided walk 1. 
Meet at the War Memorial for a look at the works taking place, understand the materials being used, construction techniques and with some snippets of history. Accessible for all ages and abilities
Wed 1st April 11-12. Parkstone Library talk
Limited spaces available, please contact Parkstone library to book a space –
call 01202 742218; email or drop in and ask for details.
Wed 8th April, 6-7.30pm. Access theme guided walk 2.
Meet at the War Memorial for a look at the works taking place, understand the materials being used, construction techniques and with some snippets of history. Accessible for all ages and abilities.

In addition, members of the project team and volunteers will also be available every Wednesday to discuss the works with you in open drop-in sessions at the Information Kiosk in Poole Park between 11am and 1pm. At other times the kiosk will be open and staffed by volunteers who can help to provide some information on the work or pass on any queries you may have.