This Week. As the photos below show, the construction of kerbs and edgings has really brought the scheme to life in the last week, with the new layouts now becoming visible. From the Seldown Lodge entrance both footways are edged, the metal railing has been removed on the south side by the garden.
New kerbs are installed with large build outs for the trees to be planted into (see previous weekly updates for the tree pits and rooting space). Between each tree will be a single disabled parking space with lowed kerbs giving access to the footway, this arrangement runs all the way down the hill, past a crossing space to the toilets towards the crazy golf course. As always the contractors have been battling with the ancient park drainage systems and services, preserving historic iron works and installing new drainage connections to remove the frequent flooding issues in this area.
Next week… and beyond.
Next week the area of security fencing will be expanded to include the Norton’s gate avenue above the water fountain so preliminary works for this part of the road can start. The sleeves for the new lamp columns will go in, this allows the lamp columns to be installed after the main body of works and in a single operation through the park.
The kerb laying will continue so that on the 16th June the first tarmac surfacing will take place with the binder and base courses being laid. The final top surface will not be laid until the surrounding works catch up, meaning that the Seldown Lodge entrance and Westfield car park are expected to re-open in late July.
The designs and programme for the works are available to view on the main Access Improvements theme page.
We hope you are enjoying Poole Park being largely traffic-free while we undertake the works and during the coronavirus lock-down conditions. The road closures will stay in place while the businesses in the park are not operational. Your help is appreciated in maintaining safe distances to park staff and contractors at all times, thank you.