A weekly post to update you on what has happened in Poole Park this week, and what to expect next week.

In the freshwater lakes work has continued to form new lake edges using large blocks of stone. These are placed and stacked together to form a solid edge and back-filled, either to provide a new surface for pedestrian access, or for later planting. Two semi-circles of stepping stones (below right) have been created on the edge of the small lake, near to the play area. The area within the stones will be planted with marginal plants like iris’s and provide some natural play for those wanting to explore the lake edge.


The crazy paving is being lifted and removed to prepare the area behind the Ark for the gabion baskets to be installed, with new surfacing behind.

In the lagoon the workers have still been braving the cold and icy conditions to install posts and a membrane to secure the edges of the existing islands. The islands will be back-filled with sediment once this is complete and will prevent erosion in the future. The wildlife doesn’t seem to mind and species of waders like the Bar Tailed Godwit below are enjoying the low water and worm-filled mud!

Next Week will see more of the same, with the existing islands in the lagoon finished and work should move forward with the gabion baskets and forming of the new lake edge.

We had some good news this week from Network Rail who have agreed to the construction plans and safety requirements to install the new bridge over the sluice channel. Discussion with Network Rail took place throughout 2018 and they have required extensive detail on the method of operation, process of demolishing the existing bridge and the scaffold structures required to do this. It is of some relief that the contract can now start whilst the lagoon is drained down. If you have good eye sight or a long lens you might be able to keep up with works on site, if not then check in here every week for the latest updates. The first week on site should see the brick piers carefully removed, with individual pieces marked and logged for repair. The bridge itself can then be broken out once the scaffold deck is in place.

Our Guided walk is now only just over a week away, we hope for slightly warmer weather for our look at the work taking place. And if you fancy getting down and dirty in the lagoon to help us to tidy up the lake bed and remove litter then please join us on the afternoon of Thursday 14th February, 2-5pm. See more on our Facebook event page, or on the calendar.

  • Read more about the sluice bridge here, and the lakes and lagoon works here.