A weekly post to update you on what has happened in Poole Park over the last week, and what to expect this week.
The clocks have changed, we are into April, the launch of the new BCP local authority and in Poole Park the list of improvements that are complete are steadily getting ticked off:
- the first bird screen and boardwalk on the southern side of the lagoon is complete
- the area beside the small play area by The Ark is finished, with bark mulch under the two trees, picnic benches installed and new gravel surfacing helping to make the whole area look fresh and new.
- the base of the new gravel path has been laid around the freshwater lakes, second course should be laid this week.
- final placing of boulders and spreading of top soil has taken place to form up the new planting areas
Unfortunately there has been a slight delay on the work to finish the bridge over the sluice channel. The manufacturers of new stone sections for the two brick piers have had trouble sourcing materials and as a result the piers will not start to be re-built until this week. The intention was to start re-filling the lagoon from around the 5th April but this now depends on how quickly the piers can be built. There may be some raising and lowering of the water level in the lagoon before a full re-fill around the 10th April. Hopefully the path along the railway line can be re-opened around that time too, and will be confirmed here.
And the 10th April is notable as we are hosting a Lakes and Lagoon Celebration Event, if you have been following the works with interest then please come along to find out more, we will be joined by Birds of Poole Harbour, the Dorset Wildlife Trust, Ebsford Environmental (who have undertaken the works), there will be practical hands-on activities, you can take a closer look at the wildlife and plenty more!
See here for more information and event updates, please find us between 11am – 3pm. near Middle Gate Car Park, which is where this photo was taken from:
What is happening next?
- Final touches to the landscaping around the freshwater lakes
- The first planting will start to go in on the islands in the lagoon and in marginal areas around the freshwater lakes.
- Work in the lagoon continues on the final island
Read more on the background to the sluice bridge here, and the lakes and lagoon works here.