This week sees further phases of works in Poole Park to both fell and plant trees.

The contractors, Aggregate Industries, are completing the planting of 51 trees along the avenue and in nearby soft verge spaces. They replace the Horse chestnuts felled at the start of the year to make way for the new arrangement and these trees.

Tree surgeons will be in the park this week removing some further trees that are at the end of their life or are being removed to enhance other existing trees.

Alongside the Copse Close car park the line of conifers will be removed, see photo below. This line is a lapsed hedge from the old Zoo site, once being maintained to screen the animals, it has since been left to grow up in to the canopies of nearby Oak and Horse Chestnuts. These trees will significantly benefit from these works as well as opening up this space. There is also a Maple near the cricket pavilion being removed to allow its neighbours to grow unimpeded. 

Line of conifers to be removed alongside Copse Close car park

Other work sees the Sweet Gum (Liquidambar) in front of East Gate Lodge removed because it is too close to the building, and other trees along the northern boundary at the Seldown end removed for replacement planting.

One of the largest trees in the park, the Monterey Pine opposite the Ark is being dead-wooded and safety checked, along with cones removed so they do not fall on pedestrians!

A second phase of tree planting is being prepared for a further 50 trees throughout the park over the winter. If you are interested in helping to protect and enhance the trees that we have in the park the details of a Tree Adoption Scheme will be launched soon.

Below left: newly planted Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) and right, photo from the tree nursery in full leaf.