We hope all Poole Park users are staying safe and well. As you may already have seen over the weekend the police asked the Council to close Poole Park to vehicles and the road closure will now stay in effect until Government guidance on combating the coronavirus changes. The park is closed at the usual entrance points with the barriers in place, but remains open to pedestrians. Please only visit the park if it is local to you and part of your daily exercise or dog walking routine.
The parks’ staff team are still undertaking basic grounds maintenance duties such as emptying bins, undertaking security checks etc but on a skeleton rota. The recently appointed contractor for the Access theme works, Aggregate Industries, will re-commence works as soon as possible once the current restrictions are lifted. We will need to consider the impact of the programme on the park and the most effective way to undertake the works.
Our Facebook page is featuring wildlife we have spotted from our own homes and over on the Poole Park Users Group page there are various memories and updates being shared, all of which hopefully keeps you in touch with Poole Park during this difficult time.