Over the next couple of days more sessions to plant the new beds and areas around the freshwater lakes in Poole Park are taking place. What will follow will be adding wood-chips, weeding and a return to the ‘usual’ tasks for the gardening volunteer group. So far the gardening group sessions have planted a sensational number of plants:

  • April 25th – 648 shrubs
  • April 27th – 818 shrubs
  • May 9th – 1,000+
  • May 10th – 700+
  • May 16th, 4-7pm; May 18th, 10.30 – 1.30? Come along and help to set a new record!

The new beds behind The Ark and at the west end of the lake will be planted with those shrubs remaining, however, some shrubs have now been put on hold until the autumn as it is getting too late in the season to plant them and keep them watered. These will now be supplied and planted in the autumn.

The large linear bed (photo below left) will be sown with wildflower seed, the same mix as the rose garden last year (below right), and will hopefully produce a stunning temporary display through the summer. Thanks to everyone who has helped us so far with the planting, please come along if you would like to help, or are just interested in the project and would like to find out more.