Welcome to the first update of 2020, there are various works and plans in place to share with you:

  • The Rose Garden paths have been improved already this year, with new tarmac surfacing over the old paths. The roses themselves have also had a careful prune back and are ready for the growing season.
  • New irrigation will be supplied to the War Memorial area, feeding the Mountbatten/Burma Star rose bed and the large beds around the cenotaph and memorial garden. This means for the first time we will be able to water with timers and from an irrigation tank, replacing an old water feed that had significant leaks and no pop-up sprayers. This work will take place over the next few weeks, including a trench across the road. Some pedestrian diversions will be in place but no road closures.
  • Similarly at the Middle Gate entrance to the park, near the roundabout, a water supply is to be taken across the road to future proof the infrastructure. It is important to do this now, prior to the significant resurfacing works that are out to tender and hoping to be under construction in the spring.
  • The phone Kiosks at Westfield and by the Information kiosk are to be removed and put in storage. Over the last couple of months there has been a lot of vandalism to these units (photos below) and in the interests of public safety they will be removed. The 2 units near to The Ark will remain. We hope to be able to re-purpose the two removed units in some form.
  • The raised planter at the Seldown entrance garden, see photo below, will be removed to make way for a new garden scheme, including re-designed planting beds, benches and pathway. This work will be undertaken internally prior to the Access theme works taking place, undertaken by an external supplier.
  • Trees have been identified that require urgent removal, this includes a large Horse Chestnut by the water fountain.

We will be able to provide a detailed update on the Access works soon, the tenders have been returned and are currently being evaluated. As soon as a contractor has been appointed and we have a timeline for work starting we will share the details on the website, with stakeholders and on site information banners.

In particular we will focus on the number of trees to be felled, the reasons for their removal, the extensive replanting scheme and how you can discuss this with us at walks and talks or view on-line. The improvements also include drainage around the cycle track, lighting and pathway and road layout changes to enhance accessibility.

Photos below. top row: Rose garden and War Memorial; Second row: Photo kiosks showing damage and poor quality, and raised planter in garden area near Seldown Lodge.