Work behind the scenes on the Poole Park Life project is coming to fruition, with tenders being assessed for various works and contractors being appointed.

This week contractors are being interviewed for all of the improvements to the lakes and lagoon that will take place over the winter, including dredging, habitat creation, new bird watching platforms, surfacing around the freshwater lakes and areas of new tree and shrub planting. By the middle of October the website calendar will be updated and full programme of works released. Banners and site information will also go up to explain the works and there will be guided walks and opportunities for volunteers to get involved.

A new bridge over the sluice channel will be installed this winter. CTS Bridges are currently designing the bridge and in the next few weeks a second contractor will be installed for it’s installation following the removal of the existing bridge. This will mean the path along the railway line will be closed for up to 2 months during the works, exact timings to be confirmed.

And on site the work to re-landscape the War Memorial is well underway and progressing very nicely. Plans are in place for a re-opening event on Saturday 10th November, 10am – 1pm, more detail to follow.