Following the Access improvements over the last year and through the pandemic, the park has returned to something like normal for park users and the concessions.

The bollards at the three vehicle entrances have been back in operation Monday-Friday for some time, and will re-commence as of Saturday 15th May to return to the previous 6-day-a-week arrangement. This allows a couple of weeks of adoption prior to the expected return of parkrun on 5th June .

The parking arrangements around the water fountain and up the slope to Norton’s Gate have changed as a result of the re-design in the Access improvements and a summary of the parking provision is as follows:

  • Westfield car park is time limited to 2 hours limited stay.
  • The new spaces around the water fountain, shown in light blue lines on the image below are time limited to 2 hours limited stay.
  • The area shown edged in dark blue beyond the water fountain has removable bollards in place that are managed by the Bowls Club, effective for their season which is from April to September.

The arrangement for these areas between the Bowls Club and BCP Council is as follows:

  • The area edged blue can be closed off by the Bowls Club on event days and match days only, which are principally Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. In the case of afternoon matches it is appropriate for the area to be closed earlier in the day to reserve these parking spaces.
  • The area edged blue shall be left open at all other times and be available for public use.
  • The area hatched green is to be used as overflow at peak times only and not for public use.