From Monday 16th March Aggregate Industries will be starting to set up working areas, compounds and site offices for the Access theme construction works. The main site office and compound will be set up on Westfield, near to the public toilets. There is a steady start to the construction works before Easter with work to clear tree stumps, park furniture and important time taken to set out the works. The final phasing and programming of work is taking place and will be released over the next few weeks as things become clearer.

Saturday morning from 10am the latest volunteer session is taking place near to the Freshwater Lakes. We are re-planting some of these areas that either were not finished last year after the Lakes and Lagoon works, or filling in some gaps (see below). Feel free to come along and lend a hand, there is work suitable for all ages, abilities and horticultural interest!

We are discussing with the contractor from last years’ works when is a good time to come back and undertake more planting on the new islands and other features, alongside work to the two promontories on the southern edge of the lagoon.

The lagoon water level has been reduced for a while as work is taking place on the lagoon walls near to Rockley Watersports.

And finally…the work to improve Westfield toilets are nearing completion and should re-open w/c 23rd March.