A weekly post to update you on what has happened in Poole Park over the last week, and what to expect this week.
On Monday last week the plant that had been stuck in a deep pocket of sinking sand in the lagoon were removed and taken off site. The large wheeled dumper and excavator that were stuck were pulled out with specialist equipment and whilst this has obviously caused the dredging work to slow down and raised significant local interest, it has not impacted on the programme or overall outcomes that will be achieved. Since operations resumed progress has been made in dredging near the sluice channel, heaping piles of silt ready for re-location and the existing islands are now nearly complete, with new edging and filled with sediment. The deep tracks created by the plant will be smoothed over and back-filled.
Rocks have been placed in the corner of the promenade near to The Kitchen restaurant, and will be completed with smaller stone in the gaps. The rocks will reduce access to the water here as these locations gather a lot of wind-blown litter and often have poor water quality, they will also provide some new habitat for shore crabs.
Around the freshwater lakes the gabion baskets have been constructed, filled with the old crazy paving and tied off to create a strong structure. The gap between the old edge and gabion baskets has been lined with a membrane and concrete poured in to provide a really strong link that will have a new resin bound decorative surface on top. This landscaping and the shaping of new planting beds behind The Ark is really taking shape and will provide a really high-quality feel to this space. One of the final pieces of this jigsaw will be new benches over-looking the lake that will be available for the public to donate for, more details to come soon.
On the far side of the lagoon, work on the bridge over the sluice channel has progressed very well, with levels prepared, new concrete cill beams installed and the brick piers re-built up to a base level. Railings, a gate and the bespoke stone work for the pipers are all on order and the bridge is expected to arrive and be installed at some point week commencing 4th March. Work will then take a couple of weeks to complete, all being well delivering the bridge ahead of time and on budget by the end of March.
What is happening this week?
- Dredging should really move forward in the lagoon, finishing the sediment in the existing islands and starting to create the new islands which will be located in the north east corner and by the railway line in the south east corner.
- Forward planning to put together a volunteer and works programme for the extensive planting taking place around the freshwater lakes and on the lagoon features. We will also be hosting an ‘open day’ on completion of the works, featuring guided walks, project information, bird walks and wildlife information. Please get in touch if you would like to help or can support the event in some way.
- Further landscaping around the freshwater lakes and preparing surfacing within the current works areas. Shrubs alongside the lake near the road will be removed to make way for new planting.
Read more about the sluice bridge here, and the lakes and lagoon works here.