Over the last few years students from Bournemouth University have supported the Poole Park Life project through various research studies. These have mainly looked at the wildlife and habitats in the freshwater lakes and lagoon, however this summer one of the students, Emma, is researching use of bins, how waste is managed and litter in Poole Park.

To help with her research please spare a couple of minutes to complete the online survey, you may also see Emma in the park with her clipboard!

We currently have over 40 bins in the park that take a huge amount of staff time to individually empty, sometimes twice a day. There are no recycling facilities and we use a huge number of bin bags each year to service the bins and litter pick around the park. The HLF grant will allow us to replace and re-model the litter collection in the park, and this will likely be a reduced number of bins, but having much greater capacity so the bins need emptying less often.

We will post the final reports when we have them later in the year.