Many thanks to the hardy volunteers who helped us on Wednesday 20th Sept to make some improvements to the islands in Poole Park lagoon. Braving the boat crossing (courtesy of Rockley Watersports) and the incredibly sloppy and muddy conditions, we repaired fences, removed bags of litter (shoes, a yo-yo, toy gun and lots of plastic), cleared away old wire and planted some new plants that specialise in these conditions that were grown from seed collected in the Holes Bay. The planting area has been fenced to keep the geese and swans off and we hope they can establish and help stabilise this corner of the island.
With kingfishers darting around us, cormorants and egrets out on the water, the volunteers really did well to get a lot of work done in difficult conditions. We learned a lot about how much there is to do to improve the islands and in future how to construct them in a better way, which the Heritage Lottery funding will pay for.
We’ll hold another volunteer day in the Spring if you fancy having a go!!
More on the Lagoon here:…/public-consulta…/lakes-drainage/