© 2014-2017 Borough of Poole Environmental Development Team, Unit 1 Newfields Business Park, 2 Stinsford Road, Poole BH17 0NF. All rights reserved.
£2.7m funding bid 2014-2016
Poole Park Life
Updated: 3rd July 2014
12 - 3pm in the Pavilion and around the park.
A booking-only event, we had some fantastic discussions, interviews and perspectives on what Heritage features are important. We had a quiz, played ‘Human Bingo’ and tried to prioritise features for improvement which proved very tricky.
One nice comment at the end: “I came in with some prejudices about what I think is important in the park, some of these were altered, some I discussed with other people and it was good to think about ideas for the park with other people”, Dennis, local resident.
Poole Park Moves! 1st March: discussing traffic through the park
Poole Park Moves! 1st March: discussing traffic through the park
Poole Park Moves! 1st March: discussing traffic through the park
Heritage & Landscape 21st February: maps, old photos and a quiz
Heritage & Landscape 21st February: good cake!
11am - 3pm at the Marquee near the leaning tree
We had well over 1,000 people come and visit about 15 different activities through the Funday. From the ever-popular climbing wall to sailing model yachts there was something for everyone and we also had lots of feedback on our consultation on play in the park.
Thanks to everyone who ran an activity and those who got involved!
The Daily Echo help celebrate our rather excellent Family Funday on 19th Feb.
Wild About Birds 15th February: Birdy colouring and games
Wild About Birds 15th February: Making log feeders for birds
Wild About Birds 15th February: Making log feeders for birds
Family Funday 19th February
Family Funday 19th February
Family Funday 19th February: with the Mayor
Family Funday 19th February
12 - 3pm in the Pavilion
With help from the RSPB we made lots of log feeders for the local birds, had birdy colouring in and games to play and there was a display on what we currently do to manage the Geese in the Park. The detailed questionnaire asked whether people consider the Geese numbers to be an issue, or just what they leave behind.
Want to help? Then get in touch and you can help us monitor bird numbers in the park.
12 - 3pm in the Pavilion
A great Lake Day; we had over 50 people come through to learn more about the lakes and the surrounding drainage. Did you know that all the road gullies from Sea View to Ashley Cross Green (that collect rainwater run-off and everything else) all discharge into the boating lake? We also used microscopes to look at the beasties in the lake and lots of other information and ideas were presented.
Thanks to everyone who came along, and to Bournemouth University for their support.
POOLE PARK LIFE, an introduction to the consultation
12 - 3pm in the Pavilion: 1pm Guided walk
Sunday 26th January saw our first public engagement event in 2014 and despite terrible weather conditions early on we had around 30 people come along and take part.
The guided walk went ahead, followed by some well-deserved tea and cake, and everybody engaged in a really positive way, taking in the display of old photos and maps and learning about design principles applied to the park.
Lake Day 8th February: displays and information
Our display showed surface water flows & ideas for improvements
Lake Day 8th February: Sediment samples from the boating lake
Dylan Baldwin drew us some of the tiny bugs that live in the lake
Lake Day 8th February: Sticklebacks from the boating lake
An introduction to the consultation - 26th January
An introduction to the consultation - 26th January
An introduction to the consultation - 26th January
Saturday 1st March
12 - 3pm in the Pavilion and around the park.
Fifteen people booked for this event and came to give us their views on traffic, cycling, pedestrians and accessibility in the park. There were some fun games as well as exercises designed to help us prioritise improvements for the funding bid. Thanks to all those who came along!
POOLE PARK LIFE - A place for all ages?
6.30 - 9pm at the Civic Centre
An interesting evening with young people aged between 12 - 18 and adults discussing aspects of Poole Park separately and then coming together to discuss any differences of opinion and a wide range of memories.
Based in the Civic Centre we all enjoyed the event which was a different means of public engagement, and the maps, memory timelines and comments were really useful.
Last Chance Friday, 7th March
A place for all ages? Inter-generational workshop at the Civic Centre
A place for all ages? Inter-generational workshop at the Civic Centre
4 - 6pm in the Pavilion, everyone welcome!
This was the last drop-in session and the pavilion was once again full with interested people keen to find out what the project is all about and to take another opportunity to discuss anything they may have missed at one of the previous events.
A big thank you to those that took part in a consultation event. It really will make a difference to how we write the funding bid and our evidence of community involvement.
Our first ‘Poole Park Life’ event took place in the Park Pavilion on 19th June 2013; we talked to over a hundred people about their memories, what they value and like about their park, and some over-arching ideas for how the park could be improved.
Talking through and discussing ideas with people helped us a lot, and we also recorded a lot of ‘votes’ in the form of likes, dislikes and things people would like to change in the park.
These results have been documented and are available to download (below).
We heard lots of stories and detail about aspects of the Park we had never heard before; bringing out memories about climbing on the fallen Pine trees or sailing on the lake helps people to understand that we do not want to drastically alter the feel or look of the park. We cherish the mature trees, the unique setting and Victorian design as much as they do, but at the same time we know that the Park has substantial infrastructure needs, both short and long term, that need addressing.
Likes, dislikes and things people would like to change: the results of our first public meeting, June 2013 (pdf, 103kb)
The Friends of Poole Park
Sign up to become a member and help them to deliver the funding bid www.friendsofpoolepark.org.uk
The new Poole Park Users Group at Facebook
Plenty of conversation, memories, photos and anecdotes about the Park
To monitor and record bird and wildlife numbers, set up a log-in and practice by counting dragons at - www.livingrecord.net
See the video at www.bournemouthecho.co.uk
Bournemouth Daily Echo
3rd July 2014
Wednesday 2nd July 2014
POOLE PARK LIFE - Find out what’s in the bid
2 - 7pm at the Pavilion
We displayed our Masterplans showing the capital items that we hope the HLF will fund - because we have the evidence that the public support these ideas and that HLF outcomes will be met.
Public Engagement with Science
A community based project in collaboration with Bournemouth University Global Environmental Solutions - facebook.com/groups/pooleparklakes/
Project Manager: Martin Whitchurch
Community Engagement Officer: Toni Powell
Tel: 01202 261700
Email: environment@poole.gov.uk